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AWS DynamoDB

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DynamoDB is a fully managed, highly-available database with replication across multiple AZs


NoSQL – not a relational database! – just simple key:value


single digit millisecond performance.



scales to massive workloads


100TBs of storage


fast and consistence, low latency retrieval


integrated with iam for security authorization and admin
enables event-driven programming via DynamoDB Streams


low cost and auto-scaling


important for exam: 

no db provisioning needed you just create a table



Has two able classes: standard and infrequent access IA table class



Basics of DynamoDB



v important – also exam q:
made up of tables – there is NO SUCH THING AS A DATABASE – you only need to create tables!
the db already exists!



you just create tables – 


each table has a primary key – must be set at creation time
each table can have an infinite number of items ie rows

each item has attributes can be added over time or they can be null

this is much easier to do at any time than with a conventional relational db.


max size of an item is 400KB so not good for large objects


data types supported are:


scalar types: string, number, binary, boolean, null
document types: list, map
set types: string set, number set, binary set




have primary key – containing partition key (eg user_id) and sort key (eg game_id)
attributes: eg score, result – these are items which are NOT the primary key



Is a great choice for a schema where you need to rapidly evolve the schema, better than the others for this.


read/write capacity modes


control how you manage your table capacity – ie the read and write throughput


2 Capacity Modes for DynamoDB


important for exam:


Provisioned mode – is default,  provisioned in advance


we have 2 possible capacity modes:


provisioned mode, where you specify number of read and writes per second, this is the default.


very good for predictable modes.


You have to plan the capacity for this in advance, you pay for provisioned read capacity units RCUs and write capacity units (WCUs)


these “capacity units” are used to set your desired capacity for your database! – set these in the web dashboard of dynamodb when you are provisioning.


you can also add auto scaling mode for both rcu and wcu




on-demand mode – much more expensive, but better for unpredictable workloads or sudden transaction spikes where provisioned mode cant scale sufficiently 


on-demand mode:

read write automatically scales up and down acc to workload, so no capacity planning needed
you pay for your use, is more expensive 2-3x more


good for unpredictable workloads which can be large or small varying


need to know for exam!


remember always you just create tables, never a database with dynamodb!


you can specify read and write capacity autoscaling separately



DynamoDB Accelerator DAX



a fully manageable, highly available seamless in-memory cache for dynamodb


helps solve read congestion by means of memory caching


microseconds latency for cached data


does not require any application logic modification – so it is fully compatible with existing dynamodb api


applications can access the database via DAX for much faster reads


TTL is 5 mins default for dax data


dax is different from elasticache in that it is meant for dynamodb and does not change the api
good for individual object cache


good for storing aggregation result where further processing required



DynamoDB Stream


very easy – is an ordered stream of data that represents items when created or updated or deleted


can then be sent on to kinesis datastreams
can be read by lambda or kinesis client library apps


data is retained for 24 hrs



use cases:


reacting to changes in real time eg welcome emails to new users
to do analytics
to insert into derivative tables or into elastic serarch
or implement cross region replication



Summary of DynamoDB Streams


So, to summarize DynamoDB Streams


Application -> create/update/delete actions to the TABLE -> Dynamo DB Streams


and from the TABLE -> Kinesis Data Streams -> Kinesis Data Firehose


Kinesis Data Firehose

-> for analytics -> Redshift
-> for archiving -> S3
-> for indexing -> OpenSearch




DynamoDB Global Tables



are cross-region


two way or multi-way replication


to provide for low latency across regions


it is
active-active replication


this means apps can read and write to the table from any region


must enable dynamodb streams for this


TTL expiry: automatically deletes items after an expiry timestamp


eg 1 month for each row in the table



DynamoDB Indexes – only need to know at high level for exam


basically, these allow you to query on attributes other than the primary key


2 types:


gsi – global secondary and lsi – local secondary


(all you need to know for now)


by default you query on the primary key, but you can use gsi or lsi to query on other attributes.



Transactions in DynamoDB



these allow you to write to 2 tables at the same time:


the transaction however MUST write to both or else none – in order to keep the tables accurate – so data consistency is maintained









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