When non-IT people hear the term “VPN” they tend to think of a commercial service where for a monthly subscription you can connect your computer internet connection and surf the Web anonymously by passing your Internet traffic through a “VPN server” run by the VPN service provider. This is one usage for a VPN – […]
Archive | IT Posts
Why You Should Never Use A VPN For Security
The following is a copyright-free (creative-commons) released post by someone explaining why you should never use a VPN if you want security. Most average computer and internet users are unaware of the facts mentioned in this post. I thought this post expresses the realities about VPNs succintly and clearly, and so I decided to reproduce […]
Digital Security Threats in 2017
With the continued growth of online services and e-commerce, digital security is as important as ever. So here’s my round-up of digital security threats in 2017 to watch out for. Digital Security Threats in 2017 1. IoT Attacks The variety and volume of consumer IoT or “Internet of Things” devices on the market is now […]
How To Install WordPress
WordPress is the world’s most popular platform for managing websites. Here’s a quick overview of how to install WordPress. How To Install WordPress WordPress is a great free “Content Management System” or CMS as it’s sometimes referred to. WordPress has made blogging and setting up and managing a website really simple and accessible to practically […]
How To Backup Your Website
It’s vital to backup your website regularly. Servers fail, websites get hacked. So here’s a quick guide to how to backup your website. How To Backup Your Website There’s a kind of unspoken law about backups. If you backup, you probably won’t need the backups. But if you don’t – you sure as anything will! […]
How To Install WordPress Plugins On Your Website
WordPress plugins are add-on modules which provide functions and features for your website. Plugins are easy to install and most of them are free of charge. How To Install WordPress Plugins On Your Website Installing WordPress plugins is simple. Once you’ve downloaded your plugin, login to your WordPress Dashboard and click on the Plug-in -> […]
How To Pursue Content Theft and Copyright Violation
Content and copyright theft is an increasing problem on the Web. So what should you do if you discover your content has been stolen by another website? How To Pursue Content Theft and Copyright Violation Yesterday I discovered that some of my website content had been copied and pasted onto someone else’s website. On the […]
How To Prevent Content Theft
Content theft is a big problem on the Web. Fortunately there’s an easy and effective way you can prevent people stealing your content. How To Prevent Content Theft Content theft is an ongoing issue for website owners. There’s the simple copy and paste method by which people can steal your content. But there’s another content […]
How to Secure Your Laptop
If you use your laptop for your business or your profession, then you need to make sure your business data is kept as secure as possible. How to Secure Your Laptop
How To Backup Your WordPress Website
It’s vital to backup your WordPress website regularly. Sites get hacked, servers fail. When disaster strikes and you have no backup available, then you have a double disaster on your hands. There’s a kind of unspoken law about backups. If you backup, you probably won’t need the backups. But if you don’t – you sure […]
Beware of Domain Name Appraisal Scams
There’s a scam going on called the Domain Name Appraisal. The scammers pose as buyers interested in a domain you have for sale, asking you to name your price. Beware of Domain Name Appraisal Scams Once you enter into communication with these scammers, what invariably pops up is a request you carry out a so-called […]
How To Choose a Domain Name and Web-Hosting For Your Business
Choosing and registering a domain name and web-hosting for your business is fairly straightforward. But there are a few things you need to watch out for. How To Register a Domain Name For Your Business Think about some domain names which would be suitable for your business. Domains that aren’t yet registered are usually very […]
How To Install WordPress Plugins
WordPress plugins are add-on modules which provide functions and features for your website. Plugins are easy to install and most of them are free of charge. How To Install WordPress Plugins Installing WordPress plugins is simple. Once you’ve downloaded your plugin, login to your WordPress Dashboard and click on the Plug-in -> Add New The […]

Switching from Windows to Linux Ubuntu
I’ve just switched my laptop over from Windows to Linux Ubuntu. I’ve worked with Linux systems for many years so I’m not a newcomer to Linux. Mostly though these have been server systems and not desktop computers. Like the majority of people, I used Windows for my desktop PC and laptop. So why the switchover […]
A Practical Guide To Basic WordPress Security
If you have a website for your business, then there’s a good chance it will be a WordPress website. WordPress is a mature and secure Website Content Management System or CMS which is used by millions of websites all around the world. But like all websites and webservers, WordPress can also be hacked and compromised […]
How To Install A WordPress Theme On Your Website
You don’t have to spend thousands with an expensive design consultancy to set up your website. WordPress makes it easy to install a theme for your website. There are literally thousands of different WordPress theme designs available at very low cost. Install a Premium WordPress Theme For Your Site WordPress allows you to install a […]
The Ultimate .htaccess Apache File Guide
This is a copy of The Ultimate .htaccess Apache File Guide by Charles Torvalds from www.askapache.com This document is reproduced here by kind permission of Charles Torvalds from www.askapache.com Full copyright details relating to this document can be found at the foot of this page. The Ultimate .htaccess Apache File Guide htaccess is a very […]
How To Comply With The EU Cookie Law
The EU Cookie Law requires sites to obtain consent of visitors to store information – or “cookies” in their browsers. How To Comply With The EU Cookie Law The idea behind this is to protect the online privacy of consumers by informing them about this practice of using cookies and give them the choice as […]
How To De-Google Your Computer
The Snowden revelations about NSA data snooping make clear how our data is being spied upon by governments. So I’ve been taking steps to de-Google my computer. How To De-Google Your Computer I’ve been taking step-by-step action to reduce my exposure to the services most likely to have links with or be infiltrated by the […]
Your Computer Security – Or Why You Should Escape From PRISM
I used to think of computer security in terms of preventing hackers from stealing my bank account data. But the Snowden revelations about NSA data snooping has made me change my thinking. Your Computer Security – Or Why You Should Escape From PRISM The activities of the US NSA and the PRISM project make it […]