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Elasticache is an AWS managed data caching service mainly for databases and applications.


ElastiCache uses one of two open-source in-memory cache engines for its functionality:


Memcached and Redis.



 Elasticache is used to reduce traffic overhead for RDS and some other applications. It is extremely fast as db is held in ram memory.


Your cache must have an invalidation strategy defined to ensure only the most currently used data is stored in the cache.


It can also be used to store user sessions for an application for cases where users may be redirected later to different instances of the application, saving having to re-do the user login session.


But it does require code configurations for apps to be able to query the cache.



ElastiCache includes a feature for master/slave replication and multi-AZ, can be used for achieving cross-AZ redundancy and thus high-availability through the use of Redis replication groups.





Memcached is an ASCII text file memory object caching system. ElastiCache is protocol compliant with Memcached, thus all the tools used with existing Memcached environments can also be used with ElastiCache. This is the simplest caching model and can also be used when deploying large nodes with multiple cores and threads.



Redis is an open-source in-memory key-value store that supports information structures such as lists and sorted sets.


Redis can power multiple databases, as well as maintain the persistence of your key store and works with complex data types — including bitmaps, sorted sets, lists, sets, hashes, and strings.


If Cluster-Mode is disabled, then there is only one shard. The shard comprises the primary node together with the read replicas. Read replicas store a copy of the data from the cluster’s primary node.


Elasticache allows for up to 250 shards for a Redis cluster if Cluster-Mode is enabled. Each shard has a primary node and up to 5 read replicas.


When reading or writing data to the cluster, the client determines which shard to use based on the keyspace. This avoids any potential single point of failure.



Implementing ElastiCache


There are three main implementation steps:


Creating an ElastiCache cluster
Connecting to the ElastiCache cluster from an EC2 instance
Managing the ElastiCache environment from the AWS console



Creating an ElastiCache cluster


This involves choosing and configuring the caching engine to be used. This will be either Redis or Memcached. For each caching engine, configuration parameters differ.


Next, we need to choose the location ie in AWS cloud or On-Premise.


AWS Cloud – This uses the AWS cloud for your ElastiCache instances


On-Premises – In this case, you can create your ElastiCache instances using AWS Outpost.


AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to your own on-site infrastructure.



ElastiCache REDIS Replication –  Cluster Mode Disabled


There are two possible configuration modes for running ElastiCache and REDIS:


Cluster Mode Disabled, and Cluster Mode Enabled:


In this configuration you run ONE PRIMARY NODE of ElastiCache with up to 5 Read Replicas


Note that uses asynchronous replication to maintain the Read Replicas, so there is a lag.


The primary node is always used for read/write. The other nodes are read-only.


There is just ONE SHARD and all shards hold all the data.


Multi-AZ is enabled by default for failovers.



ElastiCache REDIS Replication –  Cluster Mode Enabled 


With Cluster Mode Enabled the data is  partitioned across MULTIPLE SHARDS


Data is divided across all your shards. This helps especially with scaling write transactions.


Each shard consists of a primary node and up to 5 read replica nodes.

Also has multiple AZ availability


Provides up to 500 nodes per cluster with a single master node.

or 250 nodes with 1 master and 1 replica.




Scaling REDIS with ElastiCache


For “Cluster Mode Disabled”:


Horizontal scaling – you scale out or in by adding or removing read replicas


Vertical scaling – you alter the type of the underlying nodes 


Important for exam!


This is done by means of ElastiCache creating a NEW node group with the new type specification for the nodes, then performing a replication to the new node group, and then finally updating the DNS records so that they point to the new node group and not any longer to the old original node group before scaling.


For “Cluster Mode Enabled”:


this can be done in two different ways – online, and offline:


Online: no interruption to service no downtime, but can be some performance degredation during the scaling.


Offline: service is down, but additional configurations are supported


So, when doing horizontal REDIS scaling, you can do online and office rescaling, and you can do resharding or shard rebalancing for this:


Resharding: “resharding” – this means scaling in or out by adding or removing shards.


Shard rebalancing:  involves equally redistributing the keyspaces among the shards as balanced as possible.


Vertical Scaling: you are changing to a larger or smaller node type, this is done online only, relatively straightforward.




REDIS Metrics to Monitor


Evictions: this is the number of non-expired items the cache has removed in order to make space for new writes ie the memory was full.


In this case choose an eviction policy to evict expired items eg least recently used items, LRU  or scale up to a larger node type with more memory, or else scale out by adding more nodes


CPUUtilization: this monitors CPU usage for the entire host, if too high, then scale up to a larger node type with more memory


SwapUsage: this should not be allowed to exceed 50Mb, if it does then verify you have configured enough reserved memory


CurrConnections: no of current connections – see if a specific app is causing this




NetworkBytesIn/Out & NetworkPAcketsIn/Out


ReplicationBytes: vol of data being replicated


ReplicationLag: how far behind the replica is from the primary node










Some ElastiCache use cases


know these for the exam!


Updating and managing leaderboards in the gaming industry


Conducting real-time analytics on live e-commerce sites


Monitoring status of customers’ accounts on subscription-based sites


Processing and relaying messages on instant messaging platforms


Online media streaming


Performing geospatial processes




Pros and Cons of Using ElastiCache


Pros of ElastiCache


Fully-managed – ElastiCache is a fully-managed cloud-based solution.


AWS takes care of backups, failure recovery, monitoring, configuration, setup, software updating and patches, and hardware provisioning.


Improved application performance – ElastiCache provides in-memory RAM data storage that substantially reduces database query times.


Easily scalable – you can scale up and down with minimal overhead


Highly available – ElastiCache achieves high availability through automatic failover detection and use of standby read replicas.


Cons of ElastiCache


Limited and complex integration – ElastiCache doesn’t provide many easy options for integration. And you can only connect Elasticache to databases and applications hosted by AWS.

High learning curve – the Elasticache user interface is not intuitive and the system requires a high learning overhead to properly understand.


High price – You pay only for what you use but the costs of using Elasticache can swiftly rise according to usage.



Comparison of ElastiCache With Redis, CloudFront, And DynamoDB


ElastiCache is very different to all these services.



AWS ElastiCache versus Redis



ElastiCache is an in-memory cache in the cloud. With very fast retrieval of data from managed in-memory caches, Elasticache improves overall response times, and saves relying wholly on slow disk-based databases for processing queries.


Redis stands for Remote Dictionary Server — a fast, in-memory, open-source, key-value data store that is usually implemented as a queue, message broker, cache, and database.


ElastiCache is developed on open-source Redis to be compatible with the Redis APIs, as well as operating seamlessly with Redis clients.


This means that you can run your self-managed Redis applications and store the data in an open Redis format, without having to change the code.


ElastiCache versus CloudFront


While ElastiCache and CloudFront are both AWS caching solutions, their approaches and framework differ greatly.


ElastiCache enhances the performance of web applications by retrieving information from fully-managed in-memory data stores at high speed.


To do this it utilizes Memcached and Redis, and is able in this way to substantially reduce the time applications need to read data from disk-based databases.


Amazon CloudFront is primarily a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster delivery of web-based data through deploying endpoint caches that are positioned closer to the traffic source. This saves too much web traffic from further-flung geolocations from having to source content entirely from the original hosting server.


ElastiCache versus DynamoDB


DynamoDB is a NoSQL fully-managed AWS database service that holds its data on solid state drives (SSDs). These SSDs are then cloned across three availability zones to increase reliability and availability. In this way, it saves the overhead of building, maintaining, and scaling costly distributed database clusters.


ElastiCache is the AWS “Caching-as-a-Service”, while DynamoDB serves as the AWS “Database as a Service”.



Pricing of ElastiCache


To use ElastiCache you have to make a reservation- Pricing for this is based on the caching engine you choose, plus the type of cache nodes.


If you are using multiple nodes (ie replicas) in your cluster, then ElastiCache will require you to reserve a node for each of your cluster nodes.



Difference Between Redis and Memcached



REDIS: similar to RDS

multi AZ with auto failover
read replicas used to scale reads and provide HA.


Data durability


provides backup and restore


Primary use case: In-memory database & cache   Cache
Data model: In-memory key-value 
Data structures: Strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, hyperlog
High availability & failover: Yes 


Memcached by contrast:


Primary use case: Cache
Data model: In-memory key-value
Data structures: Strings, objects
High availability & failover: No



is multi-node data partitioning ie sharding


no HA


non-persistent data


no backup and restore

multi-threaded architecture



Main Points To Remember About REDIS and Memcached


REDIS is for high-availability – memcached has no AZ-failover, only sharding.


Also REDIS provides backup & restore – memcached does not.


Memcached has a multi-threaded architecture, unlike REDIS.




Redis Metrics to Monitor


Evictions: this is the number of non-expired items the cache has removed in order to make space for new writes ie the memory was full.


In this case choose an eviction policy to evict expired items eg least recently used items, LRU


scale up to a larger node type with more memory, or else scale out by adding more nodes


CPUUtilization: this monitors CPU usage for the entire host, if too high, then scale up to a larger node type with more memory


SwapUsage: this should not be allowed to exceed 50Mb, if it does then verify you have configured enough reserved memory

CurrConnections: no of current connections – see if a specific app is causing this




NetworkBytesIn/Out & NetworkPAcketsIn/Out


ReplicationBytes: vol of data being replicated


ReplicationLag: how far behind the replica is from the primary node




Memcached Scaling


Memcached clusters can have 1-40 nodes soft limit


Horizontal scaling: you add or remove nodes from the cluster and use “Auto-discovery” to allow you app to identify the new nodes or new node config.


Vertical scaling:  scale up or down to larger or smaller node types


to scale up: you create a new cluster with the new node type


then update your app to use the new cluster endpoints


then delete the old cluster


Important to note that memcached clusters/nodes start out empty, so your data will be re-cached from scratch once again.


there is no backup mechanism for memcached.



Memcached Auto Discovery


automatically detects all the nodes


all the cache nodes in the cluster maintain a list of metadata about all the nodes


note: this is seamless from the client perspective


Memcached Metrics to Monitor

Evictions: the number of non-expired items the cache evicted to allow space for new writes (when memory is overfilled). The solution: use a new eviction policy to evict expired items, and/or scale up to larger node type with more RAM or else scale out by adding more nodes


CPUUtilization: solution: scale up to larger node type or else scale out by adding more nodes


SwapUsage: should not exceed 50MG


CurrConnections: the number of concurrent and active connections


FreeableMemory: amount of free memory on the host






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