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Configuring Cluster Resources and Properties

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A resource is anything managed by the cluster. Resources are represented by resource scripts.


There are four main types:


OCF – open cluster framework


systemd – to unit files of systemd – you can take these out of systemd and will be run by the cluster instead


heartbeat – this was the old communication system for clustering, avoid if you can. Most now replaced by ocf scripts


stonith – these are scripts for stonith devices


The resource config lives in the CIB cluster information base


Three main types of resources:


  • primitive – a single resource that can be managed, usually only needs to start once eg for an ip address
  • clone – should run on multiple nodes at same time
  • multi state – (master/slave), this is a special form of clone. applies to specific resource only, usually ones involving master-slave



group resource type – makes it easier to manage resources by grouping related resources together, ensures they can be started /stopped together and can be related and linked, for starting/stopping sequence


Resources that are part of the same resource group:


  • Start in the defined sequence.
  • Stop in the reverse order.
  • Always run on the same cluster node.


They can be a group of primitives –




multi state




resource stickiness


this is when a resource will go down after original situation is restored. this defines what should happen to resource when a node has been restored to the cluster after fencing.


eg resource should migrate back to the original node, or to stay where it is.


but- generally its best to avoid resources migrating from node to node.



Creating resources

the scripts:


find / -name IPaddr2


cd /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d


here we have


.isolation – for docker wrappers


under heartbeat we have a whole long list of scripts eg IPaddr2


note IPaddr2 is for the ip suite of network commands the IPaddr is for ifconfig. you should only be using IPaddr2 nowadays.



under crm shell






this shows you the same as above


also there is the info command


info IPaddr2


this displays the shell script meta data for IPaddr2 shell script


crm configure primitive newip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip_ip address op monitor interval-10s


crm resource show newip


this is specific to the crm command


crm_mon will show you the list of your current active resources live and running on your cluster




allows you to query the cib



Resource Constraints


CAUTION: these are dangerous, use with care!


Resources have to be related to each other, this can be done by creating resource constraints:


3 types:


Location: on which node/s the resource should run – can be done positively or negatively with scores


Colocation: with which resource a resource should run


Order: after/before which resourse


[root@centos1 corosync]# pcs constraint show
Location Constraints:
Ordering Constraints:
Colocation Constraints:
Ticket Constraints:
[root@centos1 corosync]


Typically a score is used, between


INFINITY: must happen, and


-INFINITY: may not happen


Intermediate values: expresses greater or lesser wish to have it happen or not


To ensure a certain action is never performed, use a negative score. Any score smaller than 0 will ban the resource from a node.


crm migrate / pcs resource move – these also enforce INFINITY resource constraints, you will need to remove this this using


crm resource unmigrate /pcs resource clear


NOTE: -INFINITY on a location constraint will NEVER run the resource on the specified note, not even if its the last node left in the cluster!



To display an overview of all currently applying resource constraint scores:


[root@centos1 ~]# crm_simulate -sL


Current cluster status:
Online: [ centos1.localdomain centos2.localdomain centos3.localdomain ]


fence_centos1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Started centos3.localdomain
fence_centos2 (stonith:fence_xvm): Started centos3.localdomain
fence_centos3 (stonith:fence_xvm): Started centos3.localdomain


Allocation scores:

pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos1 allocation score on centos1.localdomain: 0
pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos1 allocation score on centos2.localdomain: 0
pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos1 allocation score on centos3.localdomain: 0
pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos2 allocation score on centos1.localdomain: -INFINITY
pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos2 allocation score on centos2.localdomain: -INFINITY
pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos2 allocation score on centos3.localdomain: 0
pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos3 allocation score on centos1.localdomain: -INFINITY
pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos3 allocation score on centos2.localdomain: -INFINITY
pcmk__native_allocate: fence_centos3 allocation score on centos3.localdomain: 0

Transition Summary:
[root@centos1 ~]#





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