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How To Reset WordPress Permalinks Using WP-CLI

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When transferring a WordPress website from one location or domain to another, or changing from https: to http: your permalinks will probably stop working.


The standard solution for this from is to resave your permalinks as type: plain in the WordPress Admin Dashboard.


However, if you are transferring or replicating your website and databases non-manually, ie automatically using a shell script, then you may want to perform this action using the WP-CLI or WordPress WP Command Line Interface tool.



Here are the instructions for changing your permalinks using WP.


You need to install WP-CLI on your WordPress server first in order to use this method.



if your permalinks are set to plain, then you get this output:



root@asus:~# wp option get permalink_structure –path=/var/www/wordpress –allow-root


if they are set to postname, then you get this output:


root@asus:~# wp option get permalink_structure –path=/var/www/wordpress –allow-root



so, you need to set the structure to nothing:



root@asus:~# wp option get permalink_structure –path=/var/www/wordpress –allow-root
root@asus:~# wp option update permalink_structure ” ” –path=/var/www/wordpress –allow-root
Success: Updated ‘permalink_structure’ option.
root@asus:~# wp option get permalink_structure –path=/var/www/wordpress –allow-root



Note the result of 


wp option get permalink_structure


is now a blank line. This means that the permalinks have now been set to ” ” ie plain format.


So you need to add ” ” as the argument for the value in order to set the permalinks to plain.


I checked in wp dashboard – settings – permalinks


– and this is correct.

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