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Using the gh Command with GitHub

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The gh command enables you to work more speedily with GitHub.



To create a new GitHub repository:


gh repo create


gh repo create [<name>] [flags]




To create a repository interactively, use gh repo create with no arguments.



To create a remote repository non-interactively, supply the repository name and one of –public, –private, or –internal. Pass –clone to clone the new repository locally.


To create a remote repository from an existing local repository, specify the source directory with –source. By default, the remote repository name will be the name of the source directory. Pass –push to push any local commits to the new repository.


Examples for using gh


# create a repository interactively
gh repo create


# create a new remote repository and clone it locally
gh repo create my-project –public –clone


# create a remote repository from the current directory
gh repo create my-project –private –source=. –remote=upstream


Add a README file to the new repository
-c, –clone
Clone the new repository to the current directory
-d, –description <string>
Description of the repository
Disable issues in the new repository
Disable wiki in the new repository
-g, –gitignore <string>
Specify a gitignore template for the repository
-h, –homepage <URL>
Repository home page URL
Include all branches from template repository
Make the new repository internal
-l, –license <string>
Specify an Open Source License for the repository
Make the new repository private
Make the new repository public
Push local commits to the new repository
-r, –remote <string>
Specify remote name for the new repository
-s, –source <string>
Specify path to local repository to use as source
-t, –team <name>
The name of the organization team to be granted access
-p, –template <repository>
Make the new repository based on a template repository



Work seamlessly with GitHub from the command line.


gh <command> <subcommand> [flags]


browse: Open the repository in the browser
codespace: Connect to and manage your codespaces
gist: Manage gists
issue: Manage issues
pr: Manage pull requests
release: Manage GitHub releases
repo: Create, clone, fork, and view repositories


actions: Learn about working with GitHub Actions
run: View details about workflow runs
workflow: View details about GitHub Actions workflows


alias: Create command shortcuts
api: Make an authenticated GitHub API request
auth: Login, logout, and refresh your authentication
completion: Generate shell completion scripts
config: Manage configuration for gh
extension: Manage gh extensions
gpg-key: Manage GPG keys
help: Help about any command
secret: Manage GitHub secrets
ssh-key: Manage SSH keys


–help Show help for command
–version Show gh version


$ gh issue create
$ gh repo clone cli/cli
$ gh pr checkout 321


See ‘gh help environment’ for the list of supported environment variables.


Use ‘gh <command> <subcommand> –help’ for more information about a command.
Read the manual at


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