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AWS Containers

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AWS offers: the following container systems:








Docker images are stored in:


Docker Repositories


. docker hub
is a public repository for basic images


Amazon ECR – Elastic Container Registry

– you can also keep your private images here
you can also use the public repository




the basic docker file contains:




this builds the docker image, you then push/pull to/from the repository you are using.


you run the image and it creates a live docker container – important to know the difference!


ECS: AWS Elastic Container Service – AWSs own container platform


EKS: Elastic kubernetes Service – AWSs managed kubernetes container service


AWS Fargate: a serverless container platform service, works with ECS and EKS


ECR: a repository for storing container images – Elastic Container Repository



important for exam! with ECS


ECS – EC2 Launch Type


when you launch a container you are launching an ECS task on an ECS cluster


you must provision and maintain the infra on the EC2 instances


but each EC2 instance must run the ECS Agent to register and operate as an ECS Cluster


AWS then takes care of precisely on which instance your containers are launched! you don’t specify it.




Fargate Launch Type for ECS


we do not provision any infra ie no ec2 instances needed

it is serverless


you just create your container task definitions


AWS runs the ECS Tasks for you based on your CPU/RAM requirement


to scale in Fargate you simply increase the number of tasks, not instances


way easier to manage than ec2 launch type




ECS iam roles for ECS


this is where you are using ec2 instances


you have your ec2 instance profile for this, it is used by the ecs agent,


makes the api calls to ecs service


sends container logs to cloudwatch logs


pull docker image from ecr


the ecs task roles:


this applies to ecs and fargate launch types


you create a role for each task


you use different roles for different ecs services that you run


these you define in your task definition for your ecs service



ECS Load Balancer Integrations



Do NOT use Elastic Load Balancer for ECS  – you should not use the old ELB as this has only minimal container features, and it has NO Fargate support


ALB – supported, ok for most use cases


NLB – recommended only if you need high throughput/performance or to pair with an AWS Private Link



ECS Data Volumes (EFS) – these allow for data persistence


you mount an EFS mounted onto the ECS tasks


this works for both EC2 and Fargate launch types


this means tasks running in any AZ can share the same data


Fargate + EFS = serverless


use case: when you need persistent multi-az shared storage for your containers


important – exam!


remember: S3 CANNOT be mounted as a file system!
only EFS can do this.




ECS Service Auto Scaling


there are a number of possibilities for this.


uses AWS Application Auto Scaling to automatically increase or decrease the desired number of ECS tasks


it measures following metrics:


ECS Service Average CPU Utilization
ECS Service Average Memory Utilization
ALB Request Count per Target – from ALB


you can also use
Target Tracking – a scale based on target value for a specified CloudWatch metric


Step Scaling – based on a specified CloudWatch Alarm


Scheduled Scaling which is based on a specified date and time – this is predictable


remember that scaling at the ecs service auto scaling task level is NOT the same as scaling at the ec2 instance auto scaling level




Fargate Auto Scaling – this is much easier to set up as it is serverless



So, for Auto Scaling for the EC2 Instance launch type:


this works by adding underlying EC2 instance according to demand


We can use
Auto Scaling Group scaling


this scales asg acc to cpu util
then it adds ec2 instances over time


or use the new more advanced system called


ECS Cluster Capacity Provider


– this is a much better option by far


this is used to auto-provision and scale the infra for your ecs tasks


it is paired with an ASG


adds EC2 instances when needed


ECS Cluster Capacity Provider Auto-Scaling is the much better option. 



so eg


ECS Scaling – Service CPU usage example


cloudwatch metric monitors cpu usage


and triggers a cloudwatch alarm in turn, this then scales via the auto scaling group for the cluster adding ec2 instances as required.



ECS Rolling Updates


when updating from v1 to v2, we can speficy who many tasks can be started and stopped, and which order


we can set a min % of tasks healthy


and a maximum %


default 100% min and 200% max


the max tells you how many more you can create…


the system is allowed to terminate up to the min %.


eg min 50% max 100%


we start with 4 tasks


this means we can terminate half the tasks ie 2 in this case at one time…


we can then perform the update on those instances in turn


ECS Tasks can also be invoked by linking to Event Bridge or to SQS message queuing



Amazon ECR Elastic Container Registry


stores and manages your docker images on AWS


there is a private and public repo – the public is ECCR public gallery at


fully integrated with ECS


access controlled by iam policy


it supports image vulnerability scanning, versioning, image tags and image lifestyle.


need to be aware of this repo for the exam!



Amazon EKS


Elastic Kubernetes Service


enables use of Kubernetes on AWS as alternative to ECS


open source, whereas ECS is AWS proprietary


similar to ECS but different API


EKS supports EC2 and Fargate



use case: if already using kubernetes



or wants to migrate to it, can be actually used on any cloud or with no cloud, not just aws


EKS uses “EKS Pods” in place of “ECS Tasks” – otherwise the same thing – remember this for the exam.



AWS App Runner


priced per cpu and gbyte.


This is a fully managed container application service which is serverless and managed AWS service for easy deployment of web apps and APIs


start with source code or container image

automatically builds and deploys the app for you


autoscaling, HA, Lb, encryption and connects to your vpc


also connects to DBs and message queues







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