How To Write Sales Copy – The Main Text

So your headline has attracted the attention and interest of your reader and made him or her curious enough to want to read on.

What do you say next?

How do you write the main text of your sales copy?

How To Write The Main Text of Your Sales Copy

The main text or body of your sales copy is where you explain the benefits of your product to your customers.

It’s also where you handle any known objections or doubts about the product which they may have.

And it’s where you convince your readers to buy your product.

Emphasize The Benefits of The Product

If you are writing copy which puts your customers interests first – as indeed you should be, then you need to talk about the benefits of your product to your customers, instead of talking about your product’s features.

Writing about benefits is something which isn’t always easy to do.  So here’s a technique which can help.

Write down a list of features of the product. You should already have this list from your research. Then after every feature add the words “which means that”.

And then add the benefit to the rest of the sentence. This will give you an instant description of the benefit.

You don’t have to include the feature-benefit sentence in your copy exactly as you have just written it for this exercise, but you can use this as a starting point. It might be that you actually prefer to omit mentioning the feature entirely and just concentrate on talking about the benefit.

Try to be specific about what the product can deliver in terms of benefits. The more specific you can be, the better.

Focus on Buyer Emotions As Well As Logic

When people make decisions to buy a product, they are strongly influenced by their emotions.

We like to think we make all our buying decisions based purely on rational logic. We consider ourselves to be rational, common-sense beings who only make decisions which make perfect, logical sense.

But in reality, most of our purchases are actually made for emotional reasons. We use the rational reasons to support, defend, or back up the decisions that we already made through our emotions.

If you’ve done your research thoroughly enough, then you will know what these emotional or irrational reasons are.

You can then utilize these emotional factors to good advantage when writing your sales copy.

Don’t just make an appeal to buyer logic. Target the appropriate emotion of your customers as well.

For example you might want to make an appeal to snobbery, to greed, to fear of being left behind or missing out, or being an early adaptor of a product.

Or a desire to keep up with the latest fashion, an appeal to youth or sex appeal, or people’s desire to look clever or smart, or to make themselves look and feel more wealthy.

There are many emotional different reasons why people buy things. Use the ones which apply the most to your product.

You should also make sure you write your copy in the way your customers talk. Most niches have a particular style of copy, depending upon the characteristics of the customers in that market.

In most cases, you will want to stick to that style. You may also want to use a certain style of writing to match the style or “personality” of your brand or your business.

Use Bullet Points To Stress Benefits

One of the best ways is to start writing in “bullets”.

In other words, write very short sentences or lines, each of which conveys an idea or point that you are making. Bullet points are very useful for stating product benefits.

Use Testimonials For Social Proof

People tend to believe not what you say about your product, but what other people say who are not actually trying to sell it to them. In other words, other people who are already your customers.

You can use testimonials to say things about your product that might not sound convincing if you were to state it yourself.

You might also want to include a testimonial in the headline itself.  If this is done with care then it can be very effective.

So if you have testimonials from previous or existing customers, then it can be a good idea to use these in your copy. It will give your offer instant credibility.

Write From The Point of View of The Customer

Don’t fixate on your product or your company.

In most cases if you find yourself focusing too much on your product or business and not on the customer and the benefits of your product for the customer, then you are already going off course.

If this is so, then stop immediately. Scrap what you have written, bring your focus back to the customer –  and start over!

Most customers are not really interested in your business, or even necessarily your product. They’re only really interested in the specific benefits your product can bring them.

Here’s a useful tip: if you find yourself frequently using the word “we” or “our” – or, in the case of one-man businesses or freelancers the word “I” or “my” in your copy, then you may be focusing too much on yourself and not enough on the customer.

Make sure your copy makes more use of the word “you” instead.

Write in a Simple, Clear Style

Don’t write in a heavy technical or literary or journalistic style. Sales copy has to be much more conversational. It’s a lighter and “democratic” style of writing than for example quality journalism or academic writing.

You can even ignore some of the more pedantic rules of grammar you were taught at school. Such as not starting a sentence with “And”, “Or” or “Because”. Your English teacher at school would not have approved. But then he or she was an English teacher – and not a sales copywriter.

Don’t woffle. Use simple, popular, up to date language. Cut out all unnecessary phrases, words and general “fluff”. Get to the point and stick to the point.

Split Your Text Up Into Paragraphs With Sub-Headings

Split up your text by using short paragraphs. Use bullet points where suitable. And use sub-headings throughout your text as well. Sub-headings or sub-headlines can also play an important role in emphasizing the benefits of your offer.

Don’t try to be clever with your copy. And don’t write your copy with a view to winning an advertising copywriters reward. Advertising copy that wins awards tends not to win customers.

Make sure your copy encourages the reader to keep on reading. And make sure it moves the reader progressively more and more towards taking the action you are aiming for.

Finally, always, always, read through your copy at least two or three times. Preferably on different days.

And ideally you should get someone else to read through it as well. It can be very difficult to spot mistakes in what you’ve written yourself.

Errors and mistakes can include both typos and unintended grammatical errors, as well as syntactical and stylistic mistakes. To recognize them and correct them you need to proof read and edit your copy at least twice over at the minimum.