Your call to action is a vital part of your sales copy.
It’s what gets your prospect to buy after reading your copy.
Your call to action is what closes the deal and makes the sale.
So how do you write an effective call to action?
How To Write A Call To Action For Your Sales Page
You might say the call to action is actually even more important than your headline.
If your call to action does not succeed in closing the deal, then all your hard work in doing research, drafting a good headline, and writing the main body of copy will have been for nothing.
The fact is, people tend to avoid taking action whenever they can. They prefer to delay or take time out to “think about it”.
So you have to push the prospect to take action.
Every salesman knows that you have to ask for the sale once you have convinced the prospect about the value of your product.
It’s exactly the same with online sales copy.
Your call to action has to actually ask for the sale.
This could be a simple request such as “Click here to order your copy”, “Add To Cart” or “Get Started Now”.
Or you might use something like “Yes – Sign Me Up Now!”, or “Rush Me My Copy Now”.
Just make sure you ask firmly for the sale and don’t beat around the bush.
What Can Help You Close The Deal?
The classic way is to create a sense of urgency.
You can stress the advantage of taking action immediately so that the prospect will start getting the benefits of the product without delay.
You may be able to use the scarcity factor. For example, limited supply. Or an offer available for a limited time period only.
Make sure you stress the most important benefits once more.
Add a money back guarantee. Also known as risk-reversal. This removes the risk from the side of the customer. So the customer has nothing to lose by purchasing.
There’s a saying that you have to ask for a sale several times over before you are successful. This may or may not be true in practice.
But prompting the customer for the order more than once in the body of the copy, for example, through your Add To Cart icon has been shown to increase conversion rates in many cases.
After You’ve Made The Sale
Don’t forget to thank the customer and explain clearly to them what happens next.
Make sure they understand the process. How is the product delivered – eg via a download, or physically shipped, or sent to them by email. Don’t take it for granted that they know what happens next. You certainly do – but they may not.
Ensure these details are clearly described so there is no misunderstanding. And make sure they know how to get in touch with you if they have any questions or if there are any problems.
Finally, don’t forget a customer should be for life, and not regarded as a one-off. So make sure your after sales service and follow ups reflect this.
Repeat business is always much easier to win from existing customers than having to win completely new customers.
Good luck!